7-7 Jun 2024 Champs-sur-Marne (France)

Young Researchers in Geometry Day

Following on from the Young Researchers in Geometry Day, this second event is part of the "Geometry" thematic year, supported by the IM and IG-RV GdRs. Scheduled for 7 June 2024 at ESIEE Paris, Université Gustave Eiffel, the Young Researchers in Geometry Day aims to bring together doctoral and post-doctoral students specialising in computational geometry, thereby encouraging their exchanges and interactions.

The programme includes short talks to give an insight into the variety of research in geometry and tutorials to help you get to grips with the software developed within the community.

In tandem with this event is geom-industry, scheduled for the day before, which focuses on "Geometry in industry". As part of this day, scheduled for 6 June 2024 at the Université Gustave Eiffel, several researchers from the industrial field (or closely linked to it) will be presenting their work involving various aspects of geometry, such as algorithmic geometry, geometric modelling and discrete geometry.

A welcome meal will be organised the day before! Those who have registered will meet at 7pm at Place de la Contrescarpe, and there is still time for others to sign up.

It should also be noted that transport and accommodation for doctoral and post-doctoral students belonging to the GdR IM or the IG-RV can be covered as part of the "Jeunes Chercheurs en Géométrie" event --- more information will be available soon on this site.

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